Turks test bio-chemical weapons on captive Cypriot missing persons
From O Filelevtheros, Nicosia 24 Oct 06
Interview with Defense and Foreign Affairs Policy Chairman Gregory R. Copley by Lambros Papandoniou; place and date not given: "The Turks Had no Intention of Returning Prisoners" - first paragraph is O Filelevtheros introduction.
The US strategic analysis group Defense and Foreign Affairs Policy has brought to the attention of the US Government and, more specifically, the Pentagon's intelligence service the information it has published concerning the use of Greek and Greek Cypriot missing persons as guinea pigs in Turkish chemical factories. Gregory R. Copley, the author of the report that was first published by O Filelevtheros, speaks for the first time about this shocking version of events.
[Papandoniou] Mr Copley, we have read very carefully your latest report, where you support the view that Greek and Greek Cypriot missing persons were used as guinea pigs in secret chemical weapons factories. Would you comment on this grave conclusion?
[Copley] We have received extensive information about the use, since 1974, of Cypriot prisoners as guinea pigs for the production of chemical and biological weapons by the Turkish armed forces. I am trying to gather even more information. This is a very hot issue for the Turkish military authorities and, for many years, they were actively spreading misinformation. We are daily receiving additional information about Turkey's program for the manufacture of chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction and, to the best of our ability, we are following it very closely.
[Papandoniou] When was the first time you were informed that these kinds of activities were going on inside Turkey?
[Copley] We have been hearing rumors for sometime now. During the past months, however, we received the specific information that we have published. We are now looking for more specialized information.
[Papandoniou] From where did you secure the information about this grave issue that you have published in your report?
[Copley] They originate from human sources connected with intelligence services active inside Turkey.
[Papandoniou] Do you know how many persons have disappeared through this kind of experiments?
[Copley] No. At this stage I have no idea about numbers.
[Papandoniou] How did you reach the decision to publish this issue today, 32 years after the events?
[Copley] The information had been ignored. I believe that from the moment the Turks had captured those prisoners during the invasion of Cyprus, it was clear that they had no intention of returning them or of admitting that they had them. Therefore, they were free to use them as they wished. As I have already told you, we have not yet collected the specific additional information that we would have wished to have. Nevertheless, what we do have is a wide range of information from various sources inside Turkey.
[Papandoniou] What you mean to say is that you have today in your possession information originating from human sources close to intelligence services.
[Copley] This is exactly the case. With every passing week we obtain even further information about Turkey's chemical weapons program. The time has come for this information to be published. I believe that more specific information will become available on this issue.
[Papandoniou] Do you believe that the US Government is concerned about Turkey's program for the production of chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction to which you are referring?
[Copley] I believe that the United States is concerned because of the program for the production of chemical and biological weapons by Turkey and Iran. In fact, the United States has begun to be very concerned with Iran's program for the production of nuclear weapons. Iran has already deployed between 12 and 15 nuclear weapons, purchased from Kazakhstan, Ukraine and North Korea. All the above weapons, whether they are chemical, biological and, to a small extent, nuclear raise considerable interest, particularly if they are used against US and Turkish troops in the near future.
[Papandoniou] Have you discussed the information in your possession with any official from the US Government or the Pentagon? Did you detect any interest on their behalf?
[Copley] Yes. The US Government is among the sources we are ourselves using to collect information and, specifically, persons close to the Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency that has this information now and will do what it should do.
[Papandoniou] What was their reaction when you presented them with this information?
[Copley] They did not react immediately, nor did we expect them to. They simply received the information and they will use it as they deem fit. Nevertheless, they have given their attention to this information.
[Papandoniou] Do you know whether the Turks have used exactly the same method against the Kurds of the PKK [Kurdish People's Party] group?
[Copley] This is what I believe. Furthermore, as at this moment the Turkish armed forces are ready to undertake a major military operation against the Kurds of the PKK, as well as other Kurdish groups connected with the PKK, who are launching operations against Turkey from inside Northern Iraq.
[Papandoniou] To help us understand better, are you referring to the Kurdish bases inside Northern Iraq?
[Copley] Exactly!