The Security Council,
Having considered the situation in Cyprus in response to the
complaint submitted by the Government of the Republic of Cyprus,
Having heard the report of the Secretary General and the statements
made by the parties concerned,
Deeply concerned at the continuation of the crisis in Cyprus,
Recalling its previous resolutions, in particular resolution
365(1974) of 13 December 1974 , by which it endorsed General Assembly
resolution 3212(XXIX) adopted unanimously on 1 November 1974,
Noting the absence of progress towards the implementation of its
1. Calls once more on all States to respect the sovereignty,
independence, territorial integrity, and non-alignment of the Republic of
Cyprus and urgently requests them, as well as the parties concerned, to
refrain from any action which might prejudice that sovereignty,
independence, territorial integrity, and non-alignment, as well as from any
attempt at partition of the island or its unification with any other
2. Regrets the unilateral decision on 13 February 1975, declaring
that part of the Republic of Cyprus would become a "Federated Turkish
State", as, inter alia, tending to compromise the continuation of
negotiations between the representatives of the two countries on an equal
footing, the objective of which must continue to be to reach freely a
solution providing for a political settlement and the establishment of a
mutually acceptable constitutional arrangement, and expresses its concern
over all unilateral actions by the parties which have compromised or may
compromise the implementation of the relevant United Nations resolutions;
3. Affirms that the decision refereed to in paragraph 2 above does
not prejudice the final political settlement of the problem of Cyprus and
takes note of the declaration that this was not its intention;
4. Calls for the urgent and effective implementation of all parts
and provisions of General Assembly resolution 3212(XXIX), endorsed by
Security Council resolution 365(1974);
5. Considers that new efforts be undertaken to assist the resumption
of the negotiations refereed to in paragraph 4 of the General Assembly
resolution 3212(XXIX) between the representatives of the two communities;
6. Requests the Secretary General accordingly to undertake a new mission
of good offices and to that end to convene the two parties under new agreed
procedures and to place himself personally at their disposal, so that the
resumption, the intensification and the progress of comprehensive
negotiations, carried out in a reciprocal spirit of understanding and of
moderation under his personal auspices and with his direction as
appropriate, might thereby be facilitated;
7. Calls on the representatives from the two communities to co-
operate closely with the Secretary General in the discharge of this new
mission of good offices and asks them to accord personally a high priority
to their negotiations;
8. Calls upon all the parties concerned to refrain from any action
which might jeopardise the negotiations between the representatives of the
two communities and to take steps which will facilitate the creation of the
new climate necessary for the success of these negotiations;
9. Requests the Secretary General to keep the Security Council
informed of the progress made towards the implementation of resolution
365(1974) and of this resolution and to report to it whenever he considered
it appropriate and, in any case, before 15 June 1975;
10. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.
Adopted at the 1820th meeting without a vote