


UN Resolution 1987/19 (1987)


Adopted on 2 September 1987


Adopted on 2nd September 1987

1987/19 Violations of human rights in Cyprus

The Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities.

Gravely concerned about the continuation of gross and systematic violations of human rights in Cyprus,

Recalling its resolutions 1(XXVIII) and 8(XXXI) relating to the return of the refugees and displaced persons to their homes in safety and the full restoration of human rights in Cyprus, respectively, and regretting the delay in the implementation of these resolutions,

Recognising that the Secretary-General is seized with the question of resolving the Cyprus problem,

Disturbed by the lack of any success of the Ad Hoc Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus, after so many years of deliberations, to discover the fate of the missing persons in Cyprus,

Expressing its concern about the anguish and sorrow of the families of the missing persons of Cyprus, who have the right to know the fate of their relatives.

Further disturbed by the statement made during the consideration of this item at the present session concerning the implantation of thousands of settlers from Turkey in the occupied territories in Cyprus,

Considering that the withdrawal of all foreign armed forces from the Republic of Cyprus will contribute to the restoration of human rights and fundamental freedoms of all Cypriots,

1. Demands the full restoration of all human rights to the whole population of Cyprus, including the freedom of movement, the freedom of settlement and the right to property;

2. Expresses its great concern and anguish about the fate of the missing persons;

3. Expresses its concern also at the policy and practice of the implantation of settlers in the occupied territories of Cyprus which constitute a form of colonialism and attempt to change illegally the demographic structure of Cyprus;

4. Decides that the question of human rights in Cyprus should be considered in the context of item 4 of the agenda for its fortieth session.

Adopted at its 35th session by 16 votes to none with 3 abstentions.

A grieving mother holding photos of her missing son.
1600+ men, women and children still missing

Greek Cypriots taken prisoner and transported to Turkey.
up to 70,000 held hostage in concentration camps

A Greek Cypriot napalmed by the Turkish air-force.
5000+ massacred

Greek Cypriots subjected to humiliating and degrading treatment.
thousands raped and tortured
200,000 ethnically cleansed

Christian gave stones smashed by the Turks.
500+ churches desecrated or destroyed

The murder of Tasos Isaac.
murders of refugees continue to this day

The murder of Solomos Solomou.

© 2001/2002 HEC and Argyros Argyrou. Updated on 8 August 2002.