16 of the treaty states:
"Turkey hereby
renounces all rights and title whatsoever over or respecting the
territories situated outside the frontiers laid down in the present Treaty
and the islands other than those over which her sovereignty is recognised
by the said Treaty, the future of these territories and islands being
settled or to be settled by the parties concerned."
Article 20 goes on
to say:
"Turkey hereby
recognises the annexation of Cyprus proclaimed by the British Government on
the 5th November, 1914."
Article 21 continues:
"Turkish nationals
ordinarily resident in Cyprus on the 5th November, 1914, will acquire
British nationality subject to the conditions laid down in the local law,
and will thereupon lose their Turkish nationality. They will, however, have
the right to opt for Turkish nationality within two years from the coming
into force of the present Treaty, provided that they leave Cyprus within
twelve months after having so opted.
Turkish nationals
ordinarily resident in Cyprus on the coming into force of the present
Treaty who, at that date, have acquired or are in process of acquiring
British nationality in consequence of a request made in accordance with the
local law, will also thereupon lose their Turkish nationality.
It is understood that
the Government of Cyprus will be entitled to refuse British nationality to
inhabitants of the island who, being Turkish nationals, had formerly
acquired another nationality without the consent of the Turkish
Article 27
"No power or
jurisdiction in political, legislative or administrative matters shall be
exercised outside Turkish territory by the Turkish Government or
authorities, for any reason whatsoever, over the nationals of a territory
placed under the sovereignty or protectorate of the other Powers signatory
of the present Treaty, or over the nationals of a territory detached from
It is understood that
the spiritual attributions of the Moslem religious authorities are in no
way infringed."
The Treaty in full