The European
- having regard to its
previous resolutions on Cyprus, in particular its resolutions of 12 July
1995 on Cyprus's application for membership of the European Union', and 19
September 1996 on the situation in Cyprus,
A. shocked by the
latest cold-blooded murder in Cyprus of yet another Greek Cypriot, Petros
Kakoulis, in Cyprus by the Turkish occupation army,
B. whereas this totally
unjustified act took place near the former police station of Achna, a
territory controlled by the British military base at Dhekelia, while the
base police and officials of the United Nations peacekeeping forces were
not permitted to approach the site of the incident,
C. emphasising the fact
that the victim was the fourth unarmed Greek Cypriot murdered without
reason over the last months by the Turkish occupation army or Turkish
paramilitary organisations, which could be an indication of the real
intentions of some extremist circles to create the false impression that
the two communities of the island of Cyprus cannot peacefully coexist,
D. having regard to the
refusal of the occupation authorities to comply with the repeated requests
from the European Parliament's Subcommittee on Human Rights for
authorisation to visit Greek Cypriots imprisoned in the occupied part of
Cyprus in conditions which are in breach of those set out in the relevant
international conventions, as is demonstrated in the UN Secretary-General's
recent report to the Security Council,
E. having regard to the
continuing violation of the basic human rights and fundamental freedoms of
the Greek Cypriots and Maronites living in the enclave in Turkish-occupying
regime to allow one of the three Greek Cypriot teachers in Karpassia who is
retiring to be replaced.
1. Strongly condemns
the murder of Petros Kakoulis by the Turkish occupation forces, expresses
its sincere condolences to the victim's families and asks the Commission
and the Council to inform the Turkish occupation forces of the deep
indignation of the European Union with regard to the incident;
2. Calls for a thorough
investigation of the incident in order to identify those responsible and
bring them to justice;
3. Believes that the
people of Cyprus, Greek and Turkish Cypriots alike, wish to see an end to
the killings and to the division of the island, and that Cyprus' accession
to the EU will benefit both communities and contribute to a solution of the
Cyprus problem;
4. Reminds the Turkish
Government that relations between Turkey and the EU depend partly on the
Turkish Government's policy on Cyprus and reiterates its decision to freeze
financial cooperation with Turkey as well as the MEDA programme with regard
to Turkey, with the exception of those aspects concerning the promotion of
democracy, human rights and civil society;
5. Calls on Turkey to
respect the human rights and the fundamental freedoms of the Greek Cypriots
and Maronites in the enclave, to put an end to any action or omission which
violates these rights and freedoms and to implement faithfully the
provisions of the Third Vienna Agreement of 1975, particularly with regard
to prisoners of whatever faith or origin who are imprisoned in the occupied
part of Cyprus;
6. Calls upon the
Member States to respond with continued firm pressure on Turkey with the
aim of freeing the island of the presence of all Turkish troops,
guaranteeing freedom of movement for all citizens and working for a just
and peaceful solution to the current Cypriot problem, along the lines of
relevant UN Security Council resolutions;
7. Reiterates its
support for the Cypriot Government's proposal to demilitarise the island
and calls on Turkey to withdraw the occupying forces and to comply with the
UN resolutions on Cyprus;
8. Instructs its
President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the
governments of the Member States, the governments and parliaments of Cyprus
and Turkey and the United Nations.